Your business,

Your path

Helping your business navigate the digital world

The world has changed, your business needs to change too. Overnight it seems, you had to find new ways to connect with and engage your customers. Doing business in person, face to face has become more complicated, and at times, impossible. You may feel that the digital revolution was something you would ease into but now its sink or swim. You have enough on your plate running your business. You don’t have to go it alone. You don’t have to feel lost. Let us help you navigate these tides of change and chart your course into the days ahead.

Let’s chat

We know every business is different and there is no one-size fits all. We’ve been working on internet related technologies for over 20 years. We are passionate about helping your business chart your course through the seas of change.

How we can help

I have worked with dozens of businesses to evaluate their existing technology and digital presence, and build a plan to move forward. Many times, the conversations I have result in small changes with big returns. I’m not about promoting any one platform or methodology, I want to see you succeed. One of the biggest struggles my clients come to me with is not knowing what they don’t know. This often has led them to asking the wrong questions, and working with providers who do what is asked without digging deeper.

My background is oriented around technology and people, thriving where I help both work better together. I do my best work between the tech and non-people, translating needs into the technical and the technical back to the end user. My tech experience goes from from programming to implementation to training. I also have extensive time in the non-profit sector working with a diverse range of people. I get great joy from helping people find the right solution to move forward. I have consulted with dozens of small businesses across the north to address key technology needs. I make a great sounding board, taking time to talk through where people are at and where they are going. For me success is a conversation that moves the other party closer to their goal. Drawing on experience from multiple sectors and technologies, I often bring a different perspective to situations and strive to push towards better outcomes for all.

If you don’t know where to start or which path to take I can be your impartial sounding board. If you need helping building a plan you or your team can implement I can be your guide.

Online Marketing


If you are already running your own website or social media channels but maybe you just aren’t getting traction. Simply having a presence isn’t enough, you need your customers to find you and find what they need. When your customers go online, they can go anywhere in the world. We can help them find you.



Selling your products online may have never been on your radar. You have loyal customers that have always come to you. Now you have to do business in a contact-less way. There are many ways to meet your customers’ needs online. We can help you find the e-commerce solution that works for your business.



If you don’t have a website, how are your customers going to find you? If you have a website is it effective? Is it up to date? When it comes to website there are solutions at nearly every price point. When it comes to setup and updates, you can do it yourself, hire someone or somewhere in between. We’ve been a part of too many sites to count over the past 20 years in a wide variety of settings. We’ll help answer the questions you have and ask a few you didn’t know you had and help you find the solution for you.